Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Oh, what the hell is going on worth writing about? Hmm.
  • I'm learning to knit! I sort of suck at it, because I drop stitches constantly and I have no idea how to pick them up if they're on the ends of rows or whatever. But still! I sit down at night and watch stuff off the DVR and I feel all Little House on the Prairie, minus the horrible clothes and never-ending life lessons. It's totally gratifying.
  • I've been reading Helter Skelter, and am almost done. I like true crime, particularly Bugliosi, and I've found this pretty fascinating. It's kind of incredible to see how powerful someone can be personality-wise that people were willing to lie, steal and kill for him. It boggles my mind, but it's interesting. Plus, I'm totally convinced that I could be brainwashed into a cult pretty easily, which is nerve-wracking. Anyway, it's good stuff.
  • Fall premiere time! Hooray! On my roster for new shows: Reaper and Pushing Daisies both look really good, Chuck has potential and... crap, I'm drawing a blank. I watch too much TV.

As odd as it sounds I was pretty in favor of President Ahmedinajad visiting the US, but it sounds like that's gone over for crap, which is terribly disappointing. I don't want to go to war with another country who might blow us completely up! Ack!

...and I've stopped being interesting. Oh well!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Three Awesome Things

I hope to write a real post later, but in the meantime, check this stuff out!

  • A Year of Living Biblically: This guy is so cool! He spent a year trying to follow the many very specific rules of the Torah. So very interesting.
  • "Check" this "site" out if random punctuation makes you want to "punch" someone. I love nitpicking!
  • My friend Chris is blogging now and is totally interesting and fun!

I know I have a limited audience, but it's fun to pretend I don't.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tattoo Idea: Creativity Needed!

I don't have a ton of readers, but I've got a fair handful, some of whom are artists (Ahem, Marc.) I thought of an idea for a tattoo I would like to get. I want to get something that represents the Divine Spark, that notion that there is a little piece of God/Creator/Whatever in all of us. Problem is, I don't know what it should look like. Any ideas?

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Dirty, Dirty Pleasure

If you're not watching Rock of Love on VH1, do yourself a favor and catch a marathon. It's totally a steaming pile of crap, but it's the most entertaining steaming pile of crap I can think of at the moment. Also, Bret Michaels is somewhat charming in an icky, ridiculous, guy-liner type way. Duly ashamed, but I'm DVRing it anyway.